South of France Photos

Colouring Book App

Add colour to our photos
of the South of France

Choose from our library of exclusive pictures.
Your chosen pictures will automatically convert into a lined drawing for you to bring to life.
Use your creativity and imagination to add colour and detail to make into your own work of art.


The original photo can be selected to appear in the background to help you see more detail and choose colours, with the help of our colour picker.

Colour opacity can be adjusted to add highlights and shadows.

Line definition can be varied to add or remove detail.

Save your progress of multiple drawings.

Download your finished drawings to your own device.

Share your drawings to Social Media and to friends.

Choose from our
library of photos

The chosen photo is automatically
converted to a lined drawing

Add colour to
the lined drawing

Make the perfect colour
using fine adjustment

Choose the colour from the original
photo using the colour picker

Adjust the tool size

Adjust the colour opacity to
add highlights and shadows

Show outlines behind your drawing
by adjusting the canvas opacity

Increase outline detail
to show more lines

Remove all outlines to
view your masterpiece

Quick Tips

Tap on the tool that you are using to change it's size and opacity.

Use the colour picker to change the colour opacity for adding shadow and highlights.

Use the pencil tool for adding colour and the pen tool for adding detail.

Tap on the preferences icon in the top right corner for more options.

Show the original image behind your artwork and use the colour picker to get the correct colour.

Draw and colour with your fingertips or use the Apple Pencil for greater precision.

Available on iPhone and iPad

Download from the App Store

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